Monday, March 12, 2012

Marriott Cafe' Sunday Buffet, Manila Marriott Hotel

Happy Monday everyone! Lately a lot of cheap buffets are being concocted and promoted.

So why would you pay 2000 bucks net for a buffet meal that has a time limit of 3 and 1/2 hours?

Why should you love thee Marriott Cafe Sunday brunch??

Let me count the ways...

Imported cheeses and best quality cold cuts

Every kind of salad you can ever imagine.

A seafood bar filled with baby lobsters, shrimps, clams, oysters, crabs, and others. ( What? That not enough for you? Ok, I'll show you more. )

A Filipino section of classic traditional dishes.

A meat section of lechon and roast beef with gravy and different kinds of side dishes.

A Chinese section of roasted suckling pig, roast duck and different kinds of dim sum.

A grilling station of marinated meats.

And a pasta section of freshly made pasta! ( HAH?! You want more?! I'll throw you the bomb Marriott Cafe' has to offer then. )

Eat-all-you-can US Angus beef ( rib eye and short ribs ) and HUGEEEE servings of Foie Gras!!!

After eating all these delicious and TOP quality food, you are still not satisfied eyy?? Ok here is the Cafe's final explosion!

There is a chocolate room for chocoholics and soon to be chocoholics!!!

I'm bringing Ziploc the next time I dine. SHRRRR!

Last but not the least, homemade ice cream to cap off your brunch.

And to people who drinks, there's a martini cocktail bar for you! I repeat you have from 11:30am till 3:00pm to drink like a fish.

Photos of what I ate. Ok, I didn't actually take pictures of all the plates I had but here are some:

My first plate. I was too excited to eat the steak and foie gras I've forgotten to take a picture of it only to remember while I was halfway eating it.

My second plate. All clean and better.

The End.

PS. I'm still burping Foie Gras until now.

Have A Lovely Day!

Manila Marriott Hotel
No 10 Newport Boulevard, Newport City Complex,
Pasay City · Manila, 1309 Philippines
(63 2) 988 9990


  1. looks yummy! we should definitely do this together :)

  2. I need to live there...and by live there, I mean set me up a bed in the dining room.

  3. so yummy noh? i love the smoked salmon while your Ahia Paul just had plates after plates of prawns!! i want to go back soon

    1. Do they have this during weekdays?

    2. Let me know when you guys will go back!!

    3. @Anon the buffet is only available on Sunday brunch. Boo!

  4. Okay, I'm hungry now! seeaafooood!

    1. sweetest prawns and the tastiest lobsters.. drooling...

  5. Wow! That's alot of food tjat looks good! And yes they are making me hungry (what else is new?) hahaha :p

    1. Haha its a buffet. We tend to eat more! Sorry bout that! :D

  6. I'm quite amazed how a petite girl like you can eat that amount of food and still be as sexy. In buffets I can only take about 3 plates, maybe 4 but my stomach is dying to explode already haha. And I'm 5'9 and I'm guessing I'm 3x your weight. lol

    1. I tend to starve myself before having a buffet meal and take mini breaks during in order to eat more. A very bad habit.. :(


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