Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Destination: USA (San Francisco)

Good morning darlings!

I came back last Saturday but took additional days off from blogging because of jet lag. I have been waking up at 5:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep anymore. Come 11:00 am I become drowsy and sleepy! It's ridiculous! I would be taking supplements to help me go back to my normal sleeping routine. Anyhoo, enough about me ranting and let me start raving about the places I saw and shopped at "in the land of the free and the home of the brave." LOL!

Let me start my show and tell with our first stop, San Francisco!
*photo heavy*

At the Mabuhay Lounge stuffing our faces with cold, dry, and tasteless mini sandwiches and sweet fresh fruits before boarding our 10:30 pm flight. To people who are declaring how yummy the Arroz Caldo tastes here, it was bad for us.

As you can see from all my travel posts, my favorite airport wear is a pair of leggings and a comfortable top. I never wear shorts or dresses because I was brought up to believe airports are the most dirty place on earth. I also wear socks because I prefer not to step on the floor barefooted during airport security checks.  Maarte talaga ako! :P

What my baby sister and I did during our 14 hour flight: take pictures, eat, watch movies, talk, gossip, annoy each other, and eat again. We were not able to sleep! A tip to my fellow make up users is not to put on any make up during long flights because the tiny lavatories would always be full of people. Just bring wipes to take out the oils and dirt from your face. (Excuse me for the oily face up there.)

We arrived 8 pm, on time, at San Francisco. We headed straight to our hotel for the next 3 days, the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf Hotel.

After freshening up we decided to walk outside and find supper at 10:30pm.  I cannot tell you how cold it was in San Francisco! I thought by now it will be just "Baguio-cold" but locals told us it was always freezer cold there.

We saw this cute candy shop. We died and went to candy land!!!

Day 01 we booked a city tour and an Alcatraz tour. This was one of the hundred of souvenir shops we passed by.. and bought from. Yes! We are one of those gullible tourists who end up buying expensive rubbish!

Places we saw: Union Square, Civic Center, Golden Gate Bridge, Palace of Fine Arts, Ghirardelli Square, City Hall, Fillmore Street SF Jazz district, The "Painted Ladies", The Presidio, Fishermans Wharf, Coit Tower, Lombard (Crookedest) Street, North Beach (Little Italy), Chinatown and Downtown

The beautiful Golden Gate Bridge.

On the upper left corner is the Ocean Beach. One of the coldest beaches I've been to.

Twin Peaks. You can see the whole city of San Francisco!

Nob Hill

After the city tour, we had a quick bite at the Butterfly Restaurant then headed here for our Alcatraz Tour.

 To my fellow Alcatraz Series Fanatics, this place is a must see! I was in awe of the dark and creepy feel of the entire prison.

Alcatraz Series season 2 has been cancelled by the way. BOOO!!!!

Fisherman's Wharf

Day 2 it was shopping day. 

Union Square

When my sister and I found out we were broke, we went back to the hotel to drop our shopping bags and headed to Pier 39.

Killing price: $11 per pound of fresh strawberries and $5 for a small cup of chocolate sauce. The normal price should be $1.5 per pound! Do not buy in tourist areas!

My thick jumper and pleather jacket couldn't stop me from shivering so I had to get myself a cute San Francisco sweater!

The next day we had our 6:45 am flight to Las Vegas. Our San Francisco trip was super short. I would have loved to see the weekend Farmer's Market and tried all the restaurants on my list. We will definitely go back to see more!

To be continued...

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. wow!! i love this post!! I could actually feel the breeze just by seeing all those gorgeous photos!! I love all your outfits, really chic but comfy...Glad that you enjoy your trip there! You made me want to go to!!!^_~ Can't wait for your next post =)

    1. Thank you so much Janet! It was freezer cold tapos arte arte ko kala ko I can just dress up in a dress and jacket pero hindi ko pala kaya! #tiisganda! lol

  2. Wow, I wish I could travel this much too :) Love the pair of boots and the pink polka dots suitcase! Is that yours?

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Lovely :)

    1. Thanks Phipay! The polkadot luggage is actually my baby sis's. You are very welcome!

  3. wonderful trip, wish I could go to the US again :) you travel quite a lot, are you a journalist? :)

    1. Do I write like a journalist? :D hahaha. I'm just blessed with a mom who loves to travel. lol

    2. you could well be one, you definitely have a writing talent! thats wonderful :)

    3. You're just pulling my leg Kasia! haha! I dont even think I write that good! lol

  4. Hi..
    What a wonderful trip to SF.. I'm planning to visit SF and I wonder how you can get a city tour? you booked from the hotel or u booked online? and what city tour name your booked? is it starline tour? thank you

    1. Uhmm we just booked our city tour from our hotel's concierge. I suggest you getting a whole day hop in hop out trolly ticket and tour the entire city by foot.


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