Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In-N-Out Burger, San Francisco

After 14 hours of non-stop flight from Manila to San Francisco, boy were we exhausted! I was super ready to take a bath and hit the sack upon checking in but my baby sister said she was starving. I needed to accompany her to find food. Guess what we saw just two blocks away from our hotel...

I kinda jumped with joy when I saw In-N-Out Burger. Everyone in the Philippines is raving about it and we don't even have one yet. I told my sister we could just order and take the burgers out because I was really dead beat tired. We got to this place around 10:30 pm and the entire place was packed!

Can you see the calorie count below each menu item? That definitely did not stop people from ordering at least two burgers each.

After ordering we took our cups and poured ourselves drinks from that soda vending machine. I got pink lemonade.

They have REAL LEMONS!

Less than 5 minutes my name got called for our take-out.

Upon checking if we got our orders right ( 3 cheeseburgers and 3 fries ), my sister and I looked at each other. We quickly grabbed an empty booth and ate those delicious looking burgers till nothing was left..

and also finished this mountain of fries too!

All I can say is the meat on those burgers are top quality. There was no after taste of the beef.

My baby sister's giddy face after eating.

Have A Lovely Day!

In-N-Out Burger
333 Jefferson St
San Francisco, CA 94133


  1. haha! I though it should be take-out...but both of you couldn't resist the temptation and began savoring! oooh~ I want to try it too! I've heard people raving about this burger for so long!!! So envy na you got to taste it!! I hope someone brings In&Out here!!!or I'll just travel to states just to eat this burger!! LOLz..I love your travel post! very witty and fun to read...^_~

    1. I think lang ah that someone will open In-N-Out at south soon. I'm not sure lang kung sino at kailan. THANK YOU Janet!!! haha :D

  2. Replies
    1. I know right?!! Maybe the cousin will fed ex you some? :D


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