Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Boudin Bakery, San Francisco

Before we left Philippines, a lot of my friends told me to eat the famous Clam Chowder at Boudin. They all said it was the best of the best so I definitely made sure we do that.

Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe covers an entire block at Fisherman's Wharf. It has 4 different sections: a Bistro Boudin, a huge Demonstration Bakery, a museum, and a Bakers Hall which has a small cafe. Will show you more pictures on these later on.

We woke up late thus my sister and I felt extremely hungry. We went directly to the Cafe and ordered our food ( it was self service ). First was we grabbed drinks from this open chiller.

Next was we picked two sandwiches and ordered a bowl EACH of the famous Clam Chowder in Sourdough Bread. Like I said we were famished.

Of course we HAD to get cookies for dessert.

My baby sister getting a bit grumpy because the line was long.

After paying for our meal, we sat down and waited for our number to be called.


Our brunch composed of: 3 orders of Clam Chowder ( one for the parents ) $7.79 each, Bacon and Cheese Multi-Grain Sandwich $7.29 for me, Ham and Cheese Multi-Grain Sandwich $7.29 for the sister, Apple Juice $2.59, Organic Grape Juice $2.79, and Orange Juice $2.79. We also got a Peanut Butter cookie and a Chocolate Chip cookies for $1.99 each.

After brunch we walked around Bakers Hall and checked out what they were selling.

Lots of deli stuff, jams, teas, chocolates, souvenir items, and even canned Boudin's Clam Chowder.

The Demonstration Bakery. You can see and even talk to the bakers. There's a speaker attached to the glass window.

We saw these upon leaving. A cool group riding on Segways!

Have A Lovely Day!

Boudin at Fisherman's Wharf
160 Jefferson St.
San Francisco, CA 94133

Sun - Thur: 8 am - 9:30 pm
Fri - Sat: 8 am - 10 pm


  1. haha, only Asians do that striking an umbrella on a nice summer weather~ I love your outfit! And the food looks super delish! your blog post always makes me hungry! like literally with my stomach growling..geesh! I need to grab a sandwich now..haha..=)

    1. hahahahaha! you are right Janet! We were the only people carrying umbrellas but nobody cared or stared at us so it was alright! :D

  2. Replies
    1. Theres a brand of canned clam chowder that I love so much, it's called Progresso. I think you can find that in all supermarkets in US!

  3. I love your outfit! It's really cute


  4. YAY!!! im glad that got to visit us at boudin :)))) i hope you liked our show :) making animals bread :) btw i work there!! in the bakery :D

    1. Wow! It was extremely fun watching the bakers do cute animals! You have a great job Carlos! :)


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