Thursday, July 12, 2012

Empress Pavilion, Los Angeles

We wanted to experience what my American cousins do every weekend. So on our first Saturday together, we told them to just bring us to their favorite weekend dining place and would go to their hang out place after. On my mind I was thinking maybe they'll take us to a crowded beach area filled with sunbathing Americans eating juicy burgers and drinking milkshakes or maybe to some 40's diner serving classic American meals just like what I usually see on movies or television shows. So yeah, they really took us to a crowded noisy place filled with people alright!

To my utmost surprise, they took us to Old Chinatown to have dim sum at Empress Pavilion Chinese Restaurant. Every weekend of my entire life, my relatives and my family would gather and do the same in Manila ( life of a typical Chinese gal ). Well so much for expecting an American weekend dining experience. I was more than ok in trying yet another Chinese Restaurant. It's because this one is different and special. Empress Pavilion is Zagat Rated and also a Michelin Recommended!

We got to the restaurant around 11:30 and by 12 every table was occupied and people had to queue outside.

My sister getting two of everything from the cart.

How authentic is this place you ask? All of the servers speak Cantonese!

Silkiest tofu I've ever tasted!

As for the hanging out in some cool place, here it is!

My cousins LOVE this Boba Milk Tea Place called Lollicup Tea Zone.

What they do during weekends are exactly what we do here in Philippines. How weird is that?! How COOL is that?!

Have A Lovely Day!

Empress Pavilion
988 N. Hill Street,
(Located in the Chinatown Bamboo Plaza)
Los Angeles, California 90012

Lollicup Coffee & Tea
988 North Hill Street #119
Los Angeles, California 90012


  1. love pearl milk tea!
    thanks for commenting on my blog honey, would you like to follow each other?

  2. Replies
    1. haha. yeah.. I guess the whole weekend plans were cool enough :D

  3. I love bubble tea!!


  4. I love dimsum specially hakaw. I think its called hargao in the States.

    Btw, followed your blog through GFC. Hope you could follow mine as well.

    1. Hello there beautiful girls! Yes! I am also following you guys at gfc! Thanks for dropping by!


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