Monday, November 05, 2012

Estabelecimento De Comidas Leong Heng Kei, Macau

Hello darlings! I just got back from my Misibis Bay Trip so that's why I haven't published anything for the past few days. I have so much pending posts now!!! WAAAHHH!!!

Moving on..

For our 3rd day's brunch, we ate at Leong Heng Kei. Located somewhere near Senado, I guess only locals know this place. It's pretty hidden so I myself do not know and I can't remember how to go back there anymore. But still, let me show you what humble food but super yummy nonetheless we had.

The place is super small. It can probably seat less than 20 persons.

Menu composed of different kinds of congee and noodles.

He is the proprietor, the cook, the server, and the cashier.

Auntie had tummy ache so she just got a bowl of plain congee.

Uncle got a bowl of fish head congee. He said this is the house specialty.

I ordered beef ball congee.

The companion got pork kidney and beef ball congee.

We shared the following dishes:

Boiled Tofu

Stir Fried Noodles with Tofu

Stir Fried Noodles with Fish balls

Just a simple eatery. Hearty meals at its best.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. yun congee nya parang ahm na, hehe...but I love this type of food stalls even though hindi ganun ka-bongga ang place but if the food is good then I can deal with it ^_~

    1. Yap yap! Exactly! Ahm na nga talaga siya! :D


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