Saturday, December 08, 2012

Theo & Philo Philippine-Made Artisan Chocolates

A couple of weeks ago, Resorts World Manila invited us for a Grand Fiesta Party. Inside the loot bag they gave was this delicious box of chocolates!

"The product you are about to enjoy are Philippine-made artisanal chocolates from Theo & Philo. The cacao and ingredients used to create these bars are regional specialties found only in the islands, and combined to create uniquely Filipino chocolate pleasures."

BARAKO BAR: chocolate infused with the strong, robust flavor of Batangas coffee.

GREEN MANGO & SALT: an exotic encouter that's a pleasant surprise of sweet, sour and salty.

LABUYO BAR: dark chocolate with siling labuyo, a small but fiery local chili.

Upon sampling all of the chocolate bars, I love the Barako Bar best. I could really taste the strong bitter coffee contrasting with the sweet chocolate. YUMMY! I also love the message found at the bottom of the box. That's going to be my mantra from now on!

These chocolates would make wonderful gifts this holiday season.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. The packaging is adorable! I would buy the chocolates just because they look pretty. =)

  2. this is not good for my dieting! haahahah
    Nice post :)


    1. Sorry! But I do believe these are less fattening than the normal chocolate bars because they are made with higher content of dark chocolate? or something like that? :D

  3. oh wow! the packaging looks so cute! i'll definitely buy them because of the packaging alone, heeh :)

    I would like to invite you to my giveaway:
    (sunglasses & prescription glasses)

    hope you have a fab day gorgeous! ~ XO
    Chriissydollxo's Blog

    1. Haha. The packaging is different and nice. Thanks for dropping by Christine! :D

  4. They sell it in Team Manila too. Curious about the spicy one :)

    1. Ohh yeah! The website says they sell in Team Manila nga! Cool beans! The spicy one taste like uhmm .. if you have tasted Gelatissimo's Chocolate with chili gelato, it's very similar to that. It has an after taste of spicy or hotness? Parang ganyan :D

  5. You are so kind Lucia! I don't have a facebook fan page because I don't think I'm fan worthy YET? kidding! I would love to follow you!


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