Friday, January 18, 2013

First Blog Anniversary

I just realized yesterday was my first year blogging anniversary!!! just turned 1.

Yes! I totally forgot about this momentous occasion.

I want to thank all my friends who continuously read my blog because I pester them everyday to check my updates.

I want to express my gratitude to Achi Fran of for helping me and showing me the ropes here in blogosphere.

I want to thank my cyberspace blog friends for inspiring me to keep on blogging and to just have fun in posting anything whether they'll be those annoying food pictures, vexing shopping hauls that aren't even nice to look at, or my disturbing outfit shots that look scary as hell. :D

I want to give a big hug to my dog Lulu for posing all night long so that I can take that one single shot of her looking adorable.

Last but not least, I want to give myself a pat make that 2 pats on the back for continuously blogging for one whole year. I hope I won't get lazy and stop this nonsense. 

Stay tuned for my First Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. wow...congrats Ms. Lovely! cheers to many more blog posts;)
    what a happy coincidence..our bunso of a furkid is also named Lulu:)!!

    1. Hahaha! Thanks Carmen! Lulu dogs are the cutest and most adorable looking right? :D

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! I'm so proud of ya!!!

    1. Thanks Achi Fran! You are my inspiration! :D

  3. keep on blogging! (: happy anniversary (:

  4. One of the coolest blogs ever just turned 1. Happy anniversary!!!

  5. Congratulations! I hope you celebrate :D

  6. On my mind, i sure did! Thanks Kasia!


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