Thursday, March 07, 2013

Destination: QUANZHOU & XIAMEN (Part 3)

( Continuation of my Destination: QUANZHOU & XIAMEN photo diary Part 1 and Part 2 )

Day 6

Today, we went back to that provincial place farther than Quanzhou so that my sister could buy more stocks for her online store. At night, since it was our last night in China, Achi Franci and Ahya Adrian took us to Hotel Wanda Vista Restaurant which offers a buffet dinner.

Since I felt like I have gained weight during the past few days of heavy eating, I decided to limit myself tonight. I only had 5 plates of food filled with different entrees.

The lamb chops were super tender!!! I ate 4 pieces! WAAHH!

I capped off my dinner with only a bowl of ice cream, a plate of pastries, and a plate of fresh fruit.

After dinner we walked around Wanda Plaza before going home.

Day 7

Our flight back to Manila is around 5:30 in the afternoon. We left Quanzhou before lunch so that we could reach Xiamen at around 1pm. This is Xiamen's Zhong Shan Lu. The shopping district.

We had lunch at this tiny fresh seafood place.

We got Chatime drinks to go with our meals.

After lunch, we roamed around in search for my old favorite stalls that I frequented way back when I was studying here. Guess what I found?! My super duper favorite SHOU ZHUA PING stall was still there. I had to order one!

SHOU ZHUA PING is made of roti bread filled with different fillings. I got everything with my sandwich which were ham, egg, bacon, cucumber salad finished off with a drizzle of ketchup and mayo. DELICIOUS! This used to be my favorite snack that I have after my classes at Xiamen University.

I also found my favorite candied strawberries stall! I definitely want one of those too!

Tommy Hilfiger? NAH!!! It's Tommy Welai!

I took my sister to one of the buildings I used to shop at. The building is filled with tiangge stuff!

Before going to the airport, my sister got us M'Puffs filled with Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream.

We arrived at the airport 3 hours in advance. My mom's very paranoid about the plane leaving without us.

So I spent the rest of the waiting time here at Duty Free.

Which resulted to an impulse buying of this lipstick. (-_-)

That's everything we did during our 7 days and 6 nights stay in China. There's really nothing to do there. If you guys want to go sightseeing then do not go to Xiamen. Go to Beijing and Shanghai instead.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Where are all those weight you gained? Wala naman e. :)

  2. LOOOOOOOOOLZ on the tommy welai...china talga the best sa pagcopya! lolz~ payat mu padin kaya!! kaiingit! ^_~

    1. Sobra! Lahat ng brand na gusto mo meron silang counterpart! hahaha! Mukha bang payat? Naka black lang ako kaya mukhang slim :D


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