Tuesday, December 03, 2013

A Lovely Thing For The Day: Things I'm Grateful

Another year of my life has passed and I, with both arms, fully embraced the new one coming. I can say that even though I had a lot of uncertainties, bumps and changes, my last age was still pretty awesome! Here are the few things I'm grateful for.

01. I'm grateful God gave me another year to live. 
02. I'm grateful my family is well and that everyone's happy and healthy.
03. I'm grateful for my friends who support and care about me.
04. I'm grateful I was able to travel places, try different food and experience cool things.
05. I'm grateful for my four adorable nieces who say and do the funniest things.
06. I'm grateful that Lulu is well and is still tick free ( get yourself one of those anti-tick collars, they really work! ), you make me so happy.
07. I'm grateful I didn't get sick last year because whenever I get cough, it usually lasts more than a month.
08. I'm grateful I was able to get a new hobby. I signed up for yoga classes which I enjoy doing.
09. I'm grateful this blog is still up and that I'm able to post even though I get too lazy most of the times.
10. I'm grateful no matter how hard things turn out to be, I was still able to handle and survive them.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. if you do "get lazy" about posting, it never ever shows!! all your posts are so extensive and have soooo many photos. lol!! i know it's late now, but happy thanksgiving nonetheless, babe! i'm so glad the year's winding down and that it'd be christmas soon :'D

    1. Well, I try my best to post something nice or good whenever I get the chance to post something. Hahahaha! Yeah! ME too! Christmas is my fav holiday! Cant wait to do nothing! :D

  2. Belated Happy Birthday to the loveliest blogger. :)

    1. Thank you so much Chesca! <3 <3 <3 Another year older but not another year wiser! :p


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