Friday, December 06, 2013

Destination: ASIA'S WORLD CITY HONG KONG ( Day 3 & 4 )

For our 3rd day, we started it by having brunch at Miso Cool located at K11. It's a modern Japanese fusion restaurant and what actually forced us to try it was the cool interior.

Day 03

After lunch we went to The One Mall to get movie tickets. We didn't have anything to do that afternoon so we watched Thor.

The One Mall was having this anniversary and they had a Rilakkuma Wonderland built inside the mall for people to take pictures with!

I just love The One Mall. There are a lot of cute things you can see.


How adorable!

Some of the shops that caught my eye.

While waiting for our 5pm movie time, Rin and I had sweets at Haagen Dazs.

We love to watch at The One because they have this awesome D-Box Motion movie theater where the seats vibrates with the sound.

I just had to take a picture of the bathroom. When you enter you will see this.

Everyone will get their own lavatory complete with a sink! HOW COOL IS THAT?!

After the movie, we strolled around the mall and headed to Harbor City after.

I saw Emoda and Murua!!! DROOL! Sadly, I couldn't afford any of their clothes! (-_-)

My favorite shop in Harbor City!!!

You can find everything here!

And I wouldn't leave Harbor City without passing by Page One for my Japanese magazines.

We also got some Laduree macarons! Yummy!

For dinner, I requested some street food. LKK is said to be one of the best in town.

These two aunties serve fast!

Those are popular actors and actresses who ate at this stall.

Egg Waffles

Stewed sausages and meatballs. DELICIOUS!

Before retiring we had dessert at Honeymoon Dessert in Isquare Mall.

I had Mango and Soy Bean Pudding with Pomelo;

also got this cute egg pudding just because it looks nice on the menu.

Day 04

Our flight back to Manila was at 2 pm so after checking out we went straight to the airport.

Hong Kong service is really awesome! When we got out of the train, trolleys were lined like that. How convenient right?!

We had a quick bite here at Tsui Wah Restaurant before boarding!

The End.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. ZYou look super duper extremely skinny in that black and white cropped top and skirt. Grabe.

    1. Hahahaha! I'm sorry. I got sick eh but I'm gaining weight now. Getting back to normal! :D

  2. The more i read your blog the more i get excited to go back to hongkong to relax and unwind. Cant waut for christmas!!! I will do my best to try all those food when i get there : )

    love your shoes achi, They look so comfy, down to earthstylish and easy to travel with :) I would love to get one too, where can i buy those shoes???

    1. Those shoes are from Yosi Samra! Very comfortable just make sure to get one size bigger!


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