Friday, January 10, 2014

Haagen Dazs, Hong Kong

While waiting for our 4:30 movie time at The One Mall, we decided to hang out at some place because we were getting tired of walking from window shopping. We saw an afternoon promo sign of fudge brownies ala mode with a glass of drink at Haagen Dazs. There isn't a Haagen Dazs store in Manila ( boo! ) so we thought it was a perfect place to stay and relax.

I didn't like they served my order in a paper box and plastic cup eventhough I think I told the waitstaff we will be dining in. Or maybe, she didn't hear it. The Iced Tea was freshly brewed and it was not sweet so I had to ask for extra sugar. The Fudge Brownies with Macadamia Ice Cream was perfect. 

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Meron before sa MOA kaso tinanggal na. :(

    1. I know! Bummer! :( Well get from SNR nalang. Buy one take one mga haagen dazs ice cream! :D


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