Thursday, March 08, 2012

Lush: Think Pink

Once a week I love to pamper myself with a long hot bath while reading a good book.


I've been using Lush Bath Ballistics for quite sometime now so I decided to write a review on which bath bombs I think are good and which are not. These are pretty pricey so it's best to get what are worth it.

Let's start with the famous THINK PINK.

Lush Description: While it is sweet, Think Pink certainly isn't shy. Our little pink bombshell is big in vanilla, tonka bean and neroli personality. This combo of oils gives sweetness a bit of a saucy edge. Be sure to pop one in your bath when you need a little boost of confidence. Watch out world!

How to Use it: Run a warm bath, drop in the bath bomb and drop yourself in there too. Relax, breath-in, and stay there for 20 minutes for the full effect.

Upon dropping the bath bomb, you'd automatically see it fizzling in the water.

The water after 30 seconds. You'd see the pink color slowly spreading. I find the strong scent of Think Pink pre-water started to diminish.

About 2 minutes later, the bath bomb completely dissolves. All the color had spread, and you can see tiny heart confetti at the bottom of the tub. ( SUPER ADORABLE! ) Those hearts didn't melt and I had to wash them all out after my relaxing bath.

What I think: Think Pink compared to other bath bombs, is medium in sized. When I first got it, I thought it smelled like rose. I did not actually know it was suppose to smell like vanilla, not until I read the description on it. Maybe I have a unusual sense of smell?! Anyway, for the price of P290 a pop, its definitely one of the most expensive kind available at Lush.

The color seems extremely diluted in water. It would have been nice if the water looked a bit stronger of a pink.

The smell of vanilla didn't actually stick on my body after my 30 minute bath.

The cute little surprise of heart confetti instantly put a smile on my face. ( I'm just weird like that! )

After the bath, my skin felt smoother.

Overall I think I MIGHT repurchase this and give it a second try.

Have A Lovely Day! 


  1. Awesome, I love these, I just never get to use the ones I have:) <3

    1. they make you feel so relaxed! better start using yours Tone-Lise!

  2. lovin' these bath bombs. i've never actually used one but they always look so pretty (and some even make the water shimmer!) malaysia doesn't have a LUSH.. such a shame. hopefully where i'm going i'll find one there.. but that's a little stretch. don't worry, i haven't forgotten! i'll be doing my purse one first and maybe my suitcase one when i unpack ;)

    1. Cant wait for them darling! <3
      btw, You packed all your stuffs nicely (bravo!). When I moved to China years ago, I just used two luggage and the rest of my stuffs were placed in boxes!

  3. i love lush! i always go for the bath bomb that turns the water blue and makes you feel like you're in the ocean :) i've also been thinking about picking up some nice soap and/ or skincare from there. it seems really good :)

    1. last week I used my lush abombinaball! its blue but it smelled like mouthwash. minty but good! will write a review about it soon. thanks for dropping by Chantilly! <3

  4. i've tried using a bath bomb once, i forgot the name.. also turned my water pink.. cute! i think i want to try bubble baths naman next. any recommendations?

    1. Hi Banannie! I haven't tried any of Lush's bubble bars yet but will let you know when I do. :D

  5. i gues it contains food color to add stuff in the water

    1. I guess so too! But not to worry because Lush uses all organic ingredients.. I think? :D


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