Thursday, March 01, 2012

Inside Lovely's Bag

Since I love to snoop ( lol ) on other people's bags specially my sisters whom I could steal borrow a ton of good stuffs; why not show you what's in mine.

 My make-up pouch. Got this during a trip to Kyoto, Japan.

Chanel lipstick in Gabrielle, Mac lipstick in Myth, Mac lipstick in Viva Glam I, Mac Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer in NC20, CandyDoll lipgloss in Milktea Beige, Laura Mercier lipstick applicator, J'adore Dior Perfume, Eye drops, Lucky Charm from Dex's mom

I change my lipsticks in that pouch every now and then. I like to have three options of lipstick color whenever I go out. Looking at my pouch now... where is my Carmex lip balm??!! Holy crap it's missing!

 This wallet was a college graduation gift from my mom.

I'm too cheap to buy Kleenex.( haha! )

Dex got me this rosary bracelet when he went to Vatican last year. 

Ray Ban shades. I don't wear it much though.

My 2 years old phone

 I buy this in bulk. I tend to lose a band after just one use.

Notebook where I write my to do list, to purchase list, to kill list ( kidding! ) etc. The pen was a gift from Achi Fran to all of her wedding entourage.

 I never ever leave the house without this Holy Seat spray. I don't want my tush to be getting any unnecessary germs out there. 

Those aren't the entire stuffs I normally bring with me but since I am using a smaller bag, those are the only things that could fit in. :D

I want to know what's in your bags! Kindly send me a link of your post! <3

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. OOH~ i LOVE LOVE posts like these!!! i ought to do one some time, i keep saying to myself but have never gotten `round to doing so! lol. you have such a cute little wallet!! and i used to be Team Blackberry but now i'm Team iPhone!

    1. I will remind you everyday to make a post like this then! :)) My mom picked the wallet. I kinda dont like the color...? :D

  2. to kill list! hahaha! love that! :p *feeling-EVIL-right-now*
    cute notebook and pouch! <3

  3. ahah to the holy seat spray!! such a good idea.

    1. Yup! We girls have to be extra careful when doing number 1 or 2 in public WCs :P

  4. Oh I super love that make up pouch of yours ^___^
    You have nice stuff in your bag c:


    1. Thank you Ice Pandora! Please do make a post like this. I wanna see whats in your bag! :D

  5. your notebook and makeup pouch is so cute! :)

    1. I bought my notebook when I went to Xiamen, China. Extremely cheap but super cute!

  6. Ooooh your items are so cute! I love the little kitty and the bow on the wallet!

    1. thank you! the owner is cuter though?! JUST KIDDING! :P

  7. hi! hope you blog about your collection of luxury bags soon! your avid readers would drool over for sure! nice posts as always! :)

    1. Hi Anon!! My so called collection is just a few pieces of LV bags and a couple of other brands. I don't think there are a lot to show? :D How about I show my lipstick collection instead? :P


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