Friday, June 01, 2012

100th Post

Hello my sweet sweet friends! 

Today is my 100th blog post!!! 

I cannot believe I had the audacity to make a blog when in fact I'm not a writer! I want to thank all of my readers for reading all the nonsense and weird stuff I put here. I am actually in San Francisco, USA! I just got here a couple of hours ago. I'm super excited to see Alcatraz tomorrow. For dinner (it's about 11:30 pm here ) we had cheeseburgers from In and Out; and for breakfast tomorrow, we will go to Ihop for their delish pancakes. Ihop is just across our hotel!!! 

Alright, I will be posting pictures when I get back to Manila. 

Ps. I have prepared advance posts and I'll publish them when my time permits. 

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Congrats on the 100th post!! yey! ^_^~ Hope you had fun on your stay in US of A~~ =)

  2. congrats :)

  3. Great, congratulations! Have fun in America!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so proud of you :) enjoy your vacation and please say hi to jun and auntie juliet from me and paul! :) give them hugs from us too! :)

  5. alllllright, 100! way to go, miss lovely~! :D :D :D more power to ya. *confetti*


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