Monday, June 25, 2012

Destination: USA (Los Angeles Part 1)

Continuation of my USA travel diary..
*photo heavy*

We spent 7 amazing days in Los Angeles, California, our last USA destination! We toured, shopped, and did a lot of other things so pardon me because I have to post those in 2 or 3 parts; else it'll be too long to read wholly. Again, we left Des Moines super early.

Upon arriving at LA, we found out one of our luggage got offloaded after waiting for an hour at the airport baggage carousel. I can definitely say we felt what Claudine might have felt when her bags got left behind. LOL. BUT we didn't freak out, instead we calmly went to one of their offices and asked for a remedy. They said they could just send it to where we were staying or we could wait for the next flight from Des Moines to LA that will bring our stuff which would approximately be at least 4 hours. Since it was my parents' luggage that got offloaded, my mom insisted in choosing the later. NYAHAHAHA!

Of course we definitely did not wallow in pain and let ourselves rot at the airport. We decided to start roaming the City of Angels. First stop was Venice Beach.

This is the famous Muscle Beach Gym where Arnold Schwarzenegger once trained.

Next stop the Santa Monica Pier.

It has a huge white sand beach area where lots of locals and tourists sunbathe.

A lot of restaurants and snack bars surround the place. There's also Pacific Park where you can play and ride roller coaster.

My first time to eat FUNNEL CAKE! It was GOOOOOODDDDD!

Up next is Rodeo Drive. A lot of beautiful and expensive shops. We circled it a couple of times to see if there were any Hollywood actors shopping.

Another place we went was Hollywood.

We were surprised to see the road barricaded and people lining up. We thought there must be some kind of show or concert that was about to transpire.

We didn't mind the crowd and went on to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

After checking out H&M and American Apparel stores, we heard a huge cheering outside. Of course being Filipinos, we are genetically USISERO and USISERA. We ran outside and joined the crowd pushing each other. To our utmost shock, we saw TOM CRUISE!! I almost died seeing him and I'm not even a fan. It was a once in a lifetime chance! He was there for the premier of his latest movie Rock of Ages.

4 hours has passed so we went back to the airport to claim my mom's bag and went home. Before going home we dropped by Westfield Mall to shop a little and grab something to eat.

The next day we went back to the city. We had a wonderful lunch at Golden Pavilion Chinese restaurant and toured the Old Chinatown after.

We also went back to Hollywood and toured it "properly".

Grauman's Chinese Theater and Matt Damon's hand print!!!

Inside the famous Kodak Theater but it was recently bought by Dolby. So it is now called Dolby Theater, home of the annual Academy Awards.

Next stop was The Grove. Look! A Rainbow!!!

It has a huge Abercrombie & Fitch store where shirtless guys lure you in. Yikes!

Last stop was the Farmers Market where we had dinner. I am in love with this place! I'll feature this separately.

To be continued..

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. how cool, we seem to love the same actresses and actor... Matt Damon is such a DILF!


  2. I've never tried funnel cake either! My friend was in shock when I told him that. It looks like you're having an amazing trip. I want to make it out to LA/Hollywood someday.

    1. haha. the funnel cake tasted like fried pancake to me? La is such a busy city. I would love to visit it again but I prefer not to live there permanently.

  3. so your name really is Lovely! great trip :)

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