Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Apple Review: iPad Camera Connection Kit

Hello everyone! 

How's your weekday going so far? Mine's a bit boring. I didn't go back to my work place in the province because guess what, I'm going to Macau on Wednesday!!! #oneluckygal

Anyway, I'm just waiting here in Manila till I leave for my surprise vacation. Because I have nothing to do and my favorite Manila companion KD is busy with work, I decided to blog about one of my favorite gadgets I always bring with me whenever I travel elsewhere.

Check out my Ipad SD card reader!

I got it at an Apple Store during my last trip to US. It costs $29.00, about P1200.

You get two adapters from the box: 
1. SD Card Reader for importing photos and videos from a memory card ( This I use all the time. )
2. Camera Connector for importing photos and videos from a USB camera or iPhone ( I gave this to my dad. )

How to use:
Insert a memory card to the SD card reader. Turn on iPad and attach the reader to the dock connector port of your iPad.

Select the photos and videos you want to import by tapping them on the iPad screen.

Click Import. If you want to select all just simply click Import then choose Import All so you don't have to tap all the pictures one by one.

The blue check buttons will turn to green when they are done downloading.

You may opt to delete or keep the files from your memory card.


This is very useful whenever I travel because sometimes my 2 gig SD card memory is not enough that I am forced to delete important pictures. I use the iPad camera reader to export all the pictures to my iPad that serves as my backup hardware. I can automatically email clear quality pictures to family members or upload them directly to my social networking account.

Have A Lovely Day!

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