Saturday, October 06, 2012

Gifts from Singapore

When the companion came back from his trip to Singapore, he surprised me with a plastic bag of goodies from one of my favorite stores.

The usual gifts I get from him ( with regards to clothes ) are always picked or chosen in advance by me. Once, he gave me a couple of dresses and tops. Upon checking them I was appalled on how uhmm.. peculiar (?!) they looked like. Until now, I haven't worn a single of them. So let's just say we have different taste and style so it is best to do the gift giving that way. But on his latest trip, he tried again and got me some stuff.

 A short floral summer dress.

 A red blazer.

A pair of silk printed shorts.

I was extremely pleased with everything he got!

My favorite is the last one because I was supposed to get the EXACT same pair during my last trip to Hong Kong but before going to the cashier I removed it because I thought the price was a bit high for that article of clothing.

Thanks again, you did good this time. <3

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Loving the items he got you. That's lovely of him. :)

    I like the red blazer.

    1. Yeah.. Well he himself likes to shop so he is getting better at picking out clothes for me

  2. At least his taste is getting better? lol

    1. Yup! But my only complain this time was how come he only got 3 pieces?! : )
      His response was he got his stuff and my stuff within less than 30 mins or shopping because he needed to go to the F1 place after. So good job to him!

  3. congratulations to anthony! I love the red blazer :)

    1. I like it but bow that i'm thinking about how i would wear it, hindi ba magmukha ako Santa Claus?

  4. Those are some really cute clothes, love all the vibrant colors in them. You companion did a great job indeed! :-)

    1. Why thank you Ropcorn - from the companion


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