Thursday, November 08, 2012

Macau Fisherman's Wharf

One of the nicest places in Macau is the Fisherman's Wharf. Tourists rarely come here because they usually allot just a day or two to see the entire Macau. Most of them would go Casino Hotel hopping or just go to Senado Square to see the pretty much overrated St Paul's Ruins.

I myself RARELY go to Fisherman's Wharf even if it is just across the street to where I am staying. So during my last trip, I vowed I will go and visit the beautiful place again.

Here are the amazing structures you can see inside the Macau Fisherman's Wharf:

The map of the vicinity.

Amphi Theater

The Fisherman's Wharf is currently being promoted as a wedding and reception venue. It is a lovely place to have one's pre-nuptial photos too.

A handful of toys, garments, and others shops can be seen inside.

A lot of restaurants are open too. This is an Indian Restaurant.

Chinese restaurant.

A Thai restaurant.

I dont know what type of restaurant this is.

A Japanese restaurant.

A Churrascaria. Will definitely try this on my next visit!

Japanese students having a field trip. How sosyal! I remember way back in high school, we just went to Calamba Laguna to see Rizal's home for our field trip.

I was touring the place alone and without any tripod so pardon me with the lame shots of myself by myself. :D

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. oooh, i remember going here too! mega camwhore nga kami ng mama ko..nyahahah! feeling sa greece! fully open na ba cya? because we went their sa sept hindi ba open yun mga rides and some other areas... Ang bongga naman ng fieldtrip ng mga japanese!! I hear you on the calamba trip, same lang tayo~ lolz~

    1. ahh walang rides. sayang nga kasi the government isnt fully promoting this place. when we went there wala rin masyadong tao. so basically you can just see structures, restaurants, and a few shops inside. Sayang nga dapat gawin na nilang amusement park ito! :D

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Mira! I find it lovely and a bit magical too! <3

  3. Hey!! When we went here last time, I was soo surprised. It looked like a ghost town. It's not like the first time we went, there were so many people. Last August, the shops were mostly closed and it felt like we were the only people! I thought it was such a waste of good location but looks like they picked up once again! :)

    1. I guess sometimes parang ghost town nga siya. Again, its not really advertised much. So sayang nga. Oh well, its nice to take a stroll or jog there in the morning :D

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