Tuesday, December 04, 2012

SuperSale Bazaar Shopping Haul at World Trade Center

There's a SUPERSALE BAZAAR happening at the World Trade Center from December 1 to 5. I went there last Sunday and did my Christmas shopping for friends as I am on a shopping ban for myself :D

By the way, the Bazaar is located AT THE TENT BESIDE the World Trade Center Building. I got confused and went inside the main building only to find out I went to the wrong one. So if you are confused just ask where the trendy fashionable clothes are being sold at.

Please don't forget to pass by LUSCIOUS CLOSET for their latest collection and cheap 1 for P300 and 2 for P500 dress racks!

The map of the entire tent. Luscious Closet is located at the back part of row 2 and 3.

I'm pretty happy with all my purchases. I'm super excited to wrap these babies up!

 Different colored blazers from ahh... I actually forgot the name of the booth. lol.

 Leopard Printed Silk Top from Luscious Closet.

 I got a big 6oz. White Tea Scented Candle from Amber Lights Laguna for P420.

 Beige Color Lip Pencil from Digital Traincase for P120.

I bought this cool H&M necklace from JP Singson. He is sooo nice by the way! :P

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. gusto ko yun blazers!! nice!!how much yun?

    1. I like those too but I will give them to my best of friends as Christmas gift! Since my friends read my blog ( I think?! ) I cannot say the exact amount of those. What I can say is they are not cheap but they arent super expensive also :p


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