Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Week's Shopping Haul

Yehey! It's Friday!!! I'm so excited for this weekend! Hopefully our out of town trip pushes through.

Today's post is about items I got last weekend.

Before anyone thinks I buy a lot of stuff, I just want to reason out I only bought essential things. First was a couple of items from Muji located at the corner of Fort Bonifacio High Street.

My current make up remover is almost finished, I've been thinking of trying the famous Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil. But then again I thought what if it's not ideal for my skin and causes me to break out? So I Google-d the next best and cheaper alternative for it and the Cleansing Oil from Muji came out. I got the oil for sensitive skin because my face is extremely prone to acne! ( Bad genes :( )

Upon applying two pumps of the oil on top of a cotton pad to my eyes, I became BLIND!

I was blind for about one whole minute! I had used the cleansing oil as I use my normal Clinique Make up remover. Darn! STUPID RIGHT?! lol.

Turns out this is the right way to use it:

I also got this extra large cotton pads to be used when I wipe the oil from my face. It's dirt cheap! I'll probably be using this for the next 6 months.

Last is I got two bubble bars from Lush.

I got a Karma Bar ( left ) and a Dorothy Bar ( right ).

I've already used the Karma Bar last Sunday and it was AHH-MAA-ZING! Will do a review about it soon.

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. I am so jealous that you live close to these amazing shops!
    I have NOTHING like that near me...just a daiso :(

    1. While you are jealous of the shops we have, i am more jealous of the shops you have in your city! i.e. h&m etc!

  2. oooh I love clinique products. always use them for my facial routines :) those were good buys though


  3. ooo i actually thought of trying out cleansing oils but i hate the oily feeling on my face -.-

    1. Same here Alanys! I dont even put sunblock or moisturizer on my face. Lol. Using the cleansing oil for the first time, i guess its not so bad... So far no break outs yet!

  4. hi darl. how can i e-mail you? xx

    1. Hi Sgrmse! I've been wanting to email you something as well! Mine is! Kindly send yours as well please!

  5. Achi i've been looking for cleansing oil :) do you mind if i ask how much?

  6. I LOVE Muji - too bad, there is no Muji around me =(

    1. Hi starletstarlet! Ohh.. Well maybe when you travel you can find them in other countries?

  7. I use cleansing oils too, but mine is 100% natural and it doesn't irritate my eyes. It's 95% sunflower + 5% orange. And the good thing is that it doesn't leave any oily trace! What do you think of yours in the end? Will you be using it?

    1. Hi kasia! What brand are you using please? Hmm... Uhmm... I feel this cleansing oil is the same as the clinique make up remover i am using? I dont feel my face became smoother or better? So maybe ill try a different brand when i finished this bottle

  8. hahahah!
    "Upon applying two pumps of the oil on top of a cotton pad to my eyes, I became BLIND!" ---you're so funny! and ooooh! more lush products! na excite ako! looking forward to your review <3

    1. you've been using lush narin?? how do you like them? ill try to write reviews soon for you Banannie! :D

  9. I use the exact same stuff from Muji! haha i know i don't do make up a lot but yes i love those two that you bought.

    1. ohh cool! Maybe you can write a review on what you like or dont like about them? haha in CHinese? lol :D

  10. HI, magkano yung Muji cleansing oil? =) - Will

    1. Hi Will! It's 625 pesos siya. I forgot to update this post. Instead of using this 3 times a week, I'm now using it ones a week nalang because it made my skin very oily. I didnt get any break outs pero naging oily talaga. So every Sunday ko nalang siya ginagamit. I have combo skin pala :P hope these help you!


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