Friday, June 29, 2012

Outfit Post # 32

 maxi dress: H&M // vest: CHINA BAZAAR // clutch: ALDO // shoes: H&M

Lately I've been wearing a lot of maxi dresses. It's a no-brainer outfit because I don't have to think of a top and a bottom to match it with. Another is because of our rainy weather now, I prefer to keep my body completely covered as possible because I get bad cough easily. That's it! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Such a cute look! Perfect summer dress and looks great on you :) xo akiko
    Style Imported

  2. Ohh your flat!! I remember when I had the same in black but my mother hate them and gave them to my cousine :'( :'(

  3. I've been hunting these shoes too! so gorgeous:)

  4. Replies
    1. WHAT?! You're the only one who ever said that! :P


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