Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy 9 at Maxims Tower, Resorts World Manila

I hate Chinese food.

Ok ok, hate is such a strong and negative word.

Let me rephrase that statement again.

I do not prefer eating Chinese food. I think it is very oily, repetitious, and unnecessary. Yes! I am a picky eater and for that, people are annoyed by me! In Chinese cuisine, we eat the same things like steamed dim sum, steamed Lapu-Lapu bathe in oil, steamed prawns with garlic swimming in oil, sauteed veggies with garlic drenched in oil etc ( are you getting my point here? :) ). Anyway, when Happy 9 was suggested as a place for a special dinner party, without any hesitation, I said a flat no.

The host of this dinner quickly reiterated that the food at Happy 9 would be a fusion of Chinese, Malaysian, and Singaporean. He also added we will have a Malaysian chef, Chef Ah Seng, who would surprise us by personally cooking a five course dinner. SOUNDS PRETTY FANCY TO ME!!!

So I said yes; he had me at surprise.. :D

I was definitely curious about this event so I quickly called all my sisters and other relatives to send out invites. To my astonishment, my achi (eldest sister) narrated she saw Happy 9 being featured at ANC's Executive Class show thus making me more excited.

Everyone dressed up, went to Happy 9 in Genting Club located at the third floor of Maxims Tower, and dined on these delectable dishes:

First Course: Dim Sum Sampler (L-R Crunchy Shrimp with Fresh Pomelo, Deep Fried Taro Puff, Hakao, Vegetable Dumpling with Shredded Egg)

Second Course: Pork Ravioli in Shark's Fin and Ginseng broth with Real Gold Flakes

Third Course: Braised Lobster and Sea Cucumber

Fourth Course: Marinated Beef with Enoki Mushrooms

Fifth Course: Birthday Noodle
The End...


Nobody will leave the table without getting their desserts

Dessert: Red Bean Bun, Pandan Bun, White Lotus Seed Bun
And singing me a song!

The End.. ( for real this time :D )

Have A Lovely Day!

Genting Club  
3rd Floor of Maxims Tower Resorts World Manila, Pasay City
Telephone No. +632 836 6815 / 908 8815

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