Thursday, January 19, 2012

Someone Special

Hello my darling readers. I know who you are because I can count you with my two hands..

And feet!!!

I have stated that I will be blogging about things I love, some with purpose and sense, but a lot WITHOUT!

Still, kindly continue to read my posts : )

For tonight's entry I want you all to meet someone very close to my heart.

We can have arguments with family; we may even have an F.O. ( friendship over ) with a dearest friend. This someone I want you to meet ( some of you already met ) is a selfless being without any angst in life. We will never fight because all this someone wants is to make me happy.

I am sure of it!

No, this someone is not one of my bffs ( best friends forever ),

And of course, this someone is not the howe ( boyfriend ).


Lulu is about 2 years of age, I am estimating simply because I have forgotten when her birthday is ( bad mommy, I KNOW! ).

She does not know how to "sit", "catch ball", "fetch my slippers", and "play dead".

She sleeps, eats, and poops. Come to think of it, those are the only things she knows how to do ( as if your dog can do any better?! I'M KIDDDDINNGGG!!! ;P )

She rolls when she thinks nobody is looking. Or maybe that's her way of scratching her back.

This is her look when you wave a piece of  Beggin' Strips at her.

She also loves to follow Uncle Monty around whom I'll talk more about next week.

I often tell people in order to know what unconditional love is, get a dog. You will feed them, brush them, bathe them, and a whole lot more. In return, they will scratch you, eat your homework, ruin your favorite shoes, pee on your bed when you aren't looking etc. 

But of course those are not only what they are, they will follow you everywhere even if you treat them poorly. They will be the first to greet you when you get home. They will also give you their complete attention and will never judge you when you say something important or if you are just looking for someone who would listen.

Anyway the most important thing about Lulu, she is cute and fluffy. Period.

Looking at her is definitely a stress reliever.

To all dog lovers out there, lets talk about dogs! Kindly email me or just comment down below. I would love to hear about how weird or how unique your dog is. :D

Have A Lovely Day!

1 comment:

  1. i can totally relate!! yes talk about unconditional love.. goes both ways. at time when you're super busy and you tend to ignore them but they will always be there to wait up for you, excitedly wagging their tails at the mere sound of your car honking or your feet walking. i used to be so afraid of dogs but my Scottie changed everything.. :) I'd love for Lulu to meet Scottie!! :)


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