Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 01)

So last March 13 to 17, my parents and I went to Bangkok for a short business trip vacation trip! Here's my photo diary of what I did there.

The airplane food was pretty bad. I did like the Goldilocks jelly dessert though.

The immigration line in Bangkok Airport was super duper long! All of those people would also be going to the convention we were supposed to go.

On our first day, we went straight to Pattaya for an overnight stay.

We stayed at Holiday Inn.

Our room's balcony view was breathtaking.

Where we exchanged our US dollars to Thai baht. This bank had a good rate.

After resting and freshening up, we headed straight to the nearest mall which is the Central Festival Center.

We had late lunch at the Food Loft which is the mall's food court.

I saw Boots! It's a UK Health and Beauty store which I love to hoard beauty products from.

We took this taxi ride going back to our hotel.

The streets were all lined with bars.

We were all retiring at the hotel and the parents were asleep when suddenly I felt hungry. I went to Gulliver's, the hotel's next door restaurant to have a midnight snack.

I ordered Pad Thai and Shrimp Cakes. They were soooo delicious!!!

To be continued...

Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 02)
Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 03)
Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 04 & Day 05)

Have A Lovely Day!

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