Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 04 & 05)

Day 04. Today, after breakfast, my parents and I parted. We did our own thing. They just walked around MBK while I went back to Platinum Mall to do my last minute shopping spree. You can check out the stuff I got on this post Thailand Shopping Haul.

Here are some of the things that caught my fancy inside Platinum Mall:

Around 5pm, my mom texted and asked me to return back to the hotel. She felt uncomfortable of me roaming around Bangkok alone.

Come dinner time, my dad and I went back to MBK to get take outs. This time, we got it from the cheaper food court area.

We also got food pasalubongs from this stall. Got a lot of Prawn Crackers with Pork Floss to be given away to family and friends.

Day 05. Our flight back to Manila was 1:50 in the afternoon. My mom woke us up extremely early because she decided she wanted to get more colored leggings at MBK.

Took a cab ride going to the airport.

I got another lippie from Chanel!

My last meal in Bangkok: Lime Juice and Pad Thai

Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 01)
Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 02)
Destination: AMAZING THAILAND (Day 03)

Have A Lovely Day!

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