Friday, August 30, 2013

Destination: ASIA'S WORLD CITY HONG KONG (Day 04 Ruby Tuesday, Tai O Market, Harbour City, Cafe de Coral)

On our fourth day, the weather in Hong Kong decided to be kind to us so we went on our planned sightseeing trip to Tai O Market. This place is probably unknown to all of you as I also have never heard of it until my sister Rin told me she wanted to go there. I did spend most to my budget shopping so I guess this sightseeing trip is probably the best idea rather than stay in the city and spend some more. lol. First we had brunch at Ruby Tuesday located in Silvercord Mall. We often eat at Silvercord because it's just a block away from our hotel.

Fresh Garden Bar unlimited visits for my dad.

While the rest of us girls had the Classic BBQ Ribs. Delicious slow-cooked, fork tender barbecue ribs.

And we also ordered this Lobster and Scallop Mac'n Cheese. The ultimate comfort food! Mac'n cheese made with tender chunks of lobster meat and scallops.

We saw Hugh Jackman outside Ruby Tuesday and I just had to have a photo op with him!

The parents and us went on our separate ways after brunch. Rin and I went to Tai O Market. First is we headed to Central Station.

Then walked to the Public Piers.

We hopped in a boat going to Mui Wo or Lantau Island.

This stall sells Filipino chips!

We got our childhood favorite Cheez-It, VLT for me and CC Lemon for Rin.

After an hour of boat ride, we took one of the buses going to finally, Tai O Market. That was probably a 30 minute ride.

Tai O is home to the Tanka people, a community of fisher folk who've built their houses on stilts above the tidal flats of Lantau Island for generations.

We really saw a couple of PINK DOLPHINS! No joke! We didn't know they do exist for real!

These unusual structures are interconnected, forming a tightly-knit community that literally lives on the water. (source)

After a relaxing but tiring afternoon of traveling and walking, we had dessert at this tiny place.

Black and White Sweet Tofu Pudding

Black Gulaman

Mango Pudding with Evaporated Milk

Rin tried the fresh and plump fish balls before going back to our hotel.

We had dinner at Cafe de Coral located in Harbour City Mall.

Barbecue Pork w/ Rice

Fried Fish Fillet w/ Rice served with Tomato Sauce

At around midnight, we walked to a 7/11 and got munchies. I got these 2. <3

To be continued...

Have A Lovely Day!


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