Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Outfit Post # 13 + Clothes Shopping

It was my last day in Macau so I decided to wear something extremely comfortable because I had to do my last minute shopping.

I went back to another favorite mall to get the stuffs I had them reserved. This mall is like uhmm... probably like Greenhills or Tutuban where they sell fashionable clothes at good prices.

How to get to Sun Star City Shopping Mall:

You have to pass by Daiso first which you can find by following the directions from this POST .

On the next block you will see this bookstore. Keep walking you are on the right track.

You will see this on the left side of the road. I get my take home Pineapple Buns ( Polo Bao ) from this Maxim's bakeshop.

Walk about 20 steps more and you will already see the mall.

This mall has 8 floors. You can see all the young and fashionable crowd shopping or simply hanging out here.

Skin is my favorite store. The seller here is super gorgeous and she always gives me extra discount for my overall total. :D

You will find this resting place on the third floor were couples can put messages on the wall for their sweethearts.

Not mine! Just a random note from a random Macanese couple.

What I got for my baby sister ( Pabili )

What I wore:

Sweats: KOREA BAZAAR // leggings: MANGO // bag: LANCEL // boots :MANGO

Goodbye Macau.

Have A Lovely Day.


  1. Jealous of your shopping experience!
    I would love to go to Macau someday.

    1. theres not much to do in Macau actually, but the food there is superb!

  2. ohmyyyy, seeing those outdoor shots made me miss macau so so much. LOVED my trip there! :D such a lovely little country. i wouldn't mind living there. my fave are your pink purse and specs (: (: wish i had tried more pastry when i was in macau though. shame i didn't do my research before going lol.

    1. Macau changes so fast. There are a lot of new things every year. Right now they are building a road which would connect Macau to Hong Kong.

  3. Not as busy as I would of expected. Pretty purse!

  4. Replies
    1. check out if there are promo fares from pal or cebu pac!

  5. What a pictures! I am really impressed. As the stunning outfit of yours is completely looking exceptional and great. It's truly looking one of unique experienced source to see you. Thanks for sharing.


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