Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yummy Eats 2012

Good morning my dear readers!

Last Saturday the companion and I went to the Yummy Eats event which happened at The Rockwel Tent.

Would you believe if I told you we tried every single food booth there?!

The event had 50 concessionaires to choose from. They all offered free samples and sold food items as well.

Food Booths we liked best and some bought from:

My first time to try the popular donut. They only gave free samples of Al Capone and it was GOOOD! I ate like 5 free samples or maybe more? :P

 The staff graciously gave us a free Serenitea mug when we purchased two cups of our favorite Okinawa Pearl Milktea. Thank you!

We liked the Garlic Spread best. The Parmesan and Pesto spreads tasted a bit "synthetic" for us.

My favorite out of all the good booths there. The Spinach Feta & Sundried Tomato was TDF!

This Ka-Pao booth generously gave HUGE amount of sample food.

Took home a box of this for the parents.

The companion's favorite. He does not even like sweets that much but this red velvet WOW-ed him. 

Now off to the extension part of the tent.

Super tender beef tapa without any of those annoying tough cartilages. We will be ordering soon!

I got the espresso flavor which was good but made my tummy very acidic after.

We watched Chef Bruce's demo first before leaving.

Photo op on our way out. Since this was our first time to attend the Yummy Eats Event, I say we had tons of fun! We didn't even have dinner after because we felt too full from sampling and buying a lot of take home stuff. We will surely come back for next year's event!

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. This looks so much fun!

  2. I would love to go to an event like this!

    1. hi Joslin! it's like farmers market which you guys have. :D

  3. Ahh so fantastic! Foodie party ;) And you had bubble tea! Recently I'm crazy about it:D

    1. I actually drank those two cups. The person I was with found it too sweet. YAHOO!!!

  4. thank you so much Lovely and Anthony!! :)


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