Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Destination: ASIA'S WORLD CITY HONG KONG (Day 01 Arrival, Silvercord Mall, The Prince Hotel, Dimsumbar)

Last July 20 my family and I went on a mini vacation trip to Hong Kong. We stayed there for 5 days doing pretty much nothing other than eating good food, sleeping in a fine hotel bed and shopping whatever it was on sale. We left Manila at 8 in the morning so that means I had to wake up at 4:30 and leave our house at 6. I was in a zombie-like-state of mind.

We reached Hong Kong at 10:30ish. I love the banners that welcomed us.

We just took the airport bus going to Tsim Sha Tsui. Nobody was in a hurry to reach the city.

Upon arriving at the city, the receptionist told us our room was not yet ready. We left our luggage at the concierge. My mom was not too hungry so she also stayed at sat at the lounge. My dad and I went to Silvercord Mall to get lunch.

He got a bowl of fish balls noodle soup.

I had Pepper Lunch. Majority of the people were lining up there so I just had to queue as well.

We also got some fresh juice and Hong Kong style milk tea.

We stayed at Marco Polo The Prince Hotel. It is connect to the Harbour City Mall.

After napping for a few hours, my mom and I shopped around TST area.

I really wanted to get this Mac Morange lippy but I was not sure if it looks good on me.. My sister hasn't arrived yet so nobody can give me an opinion.. The lady at the back has a fabulous bag. I drool!

My sister took a later flight than ours because she still had classes that morning. When she arrived around 6pm, we had dinner at the restaurant across our hotel Dimsumbar.

Fish Congee

Rice Rolls with Shrimp

dimsum cake called Malayko

Abalone Pastries

Signature Cream Buns

We ordered 2 because it was really good.

Beef Balls for me.

To be continued...

Have A Lovely Day!

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