Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tokyo Shopping Haul ( Clothes Edition )

A pleasant morning to all of you lovely people out there! Now that I'm done blogging about our 8 days in Tokyo, let me show you all the purchases I made that left me somewhat broke for the next 10 years. I kid! :D Our main purpose in visiting Tokyo was to sight-see places and eat good authentic Japanese food so that left our shopping to a very minimal time period. So let's start this shopping haul show and tell!

From GU in Ikebukuro. I was given a mere 10 minutes to shop for these because the parents were tired and wanted to go home.

Uniqlo from Tokyo Salamachi Mall, the mall below Tokyo Skytree Tower.

Uniqlo from Shinjuku branch. My sister and I did our last minute shopping on our last night, an hour before closing time. I got a lot of basic things and a couple of items to be given as gifts.

Beside H&M in Shinjuku is another GU store. I got a lot of bottoms and a couple of maxi dresses.

I got this in Shibuya. It was on sale, about Y1000. I love it! I declare this my best buy of all!

That's it for my clothing shopping haul from Tokyo Japan.

Do check out my other hauls:
Tokyo Shopping Haul ( Makeup Edition )
Tokyo Shopping Haul ( Food Edition )
Daiso Japan Haul  

Have A Lovely Day!


  1. Lovely clothes haul :3
    I love the items from uniqlo

    I bet everything was pretty pricey XD

    1. Actually all of them were not expensive at all. :D I have a budget whenever I shop so I have to maximize what I have. haha.


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